Monday, May 5, 2008

Mental Disorder in Parents Linked to Autism

I just read 2 news articles detailing the link between mental disorders in parent to autism in their children. Science Daily published this article, as well as the Wall Street Journal. I just shows how much more aware the media is about autism. The question now is if the general public would take action. In the limited experience I've had, people are still largely uninformed about autism. I've had to explain my son's condition to people over and over again. I've also had to deal with common misconceptions about it. Well, I do take solace in the fact that I am knowledgeable enough that I can share this information to people. I just wish that more can be done to make people more aware. Until that happens, I will have to take it as a duty to reach out to as many people I can to help change the public's perception of autism.

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